Nuclear Physics By DC Tayal Pdf

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Nuclear Physics By DC Tayal Pdf
Nuclear Physics By DC Tayal Pdf

Contents in Nuclear Physics By DC Tayal

In this pdf book, There are a total of 16 chapters. These names are the following:-

  1. General Properties of Atomic Nucleus
  2. Radioactivity and Isotopes
  3. Interactions of Nuclear Radiations with Matter
  4. Detection and Measurement of Nuclear Radiation
  5. Alpha Particles
  6. Beta Decay
  7. Gamma Radiation
  8. Beta Decay
  9. Nuclear Models
  10. Nuclear Reactions
  11. Particle Accelerators
  12. Neutrons
  13. Nuclear Fission and Fusion
  14. Nuclear Fission Reactors
  15. Chemical and Biological Effects of Radiation
  16. Elementary Particles

Details of Nuclear Physics By DC Tayal

Book NameNuclear Physics
Author NameD.C. Tayal
Pdf LanguageEnglish
Pdf Size1 MB
Total Pages162
Details of PDF Nuclear Physics By DC Tayal

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